Tuesday, December 31, 2019
If you love brainteasers during job interviews youre likely a sadist
If you love brainteasers during job bewerbungsinterviews youre likely a sadistIf you love brainteasers during job interviews youre likely a sadistWhen a job interviewer asks you to how to get a hippo stuck in a hole out, this curveball question is meant to throw you off your game. The goal, interviewers who love brain teasers say, is to get authentic, creative answers. But their disorienting questions also could say more about the interviewer than they say about you.When you take pleasure out of watching job candidates stumble over words to answer an irrelevant question to the role being offered, you may reveal your sadistic character. A new study in the journal Applied Psychology found that people who prefer using brainteasers in job interviews were also more likely to exhibit the dark traits of sadism, narcissism, and were less socially competent overall.Brain teasers could indicate that your future boss is a sadistIn the study, psychology professorScott Highhouse and his colleague s showed 736 people a list of job interview questions. Some were traditional questions like What do you look for in a job? But others were brain teasers that were purposefully out of left field. They included questions found on career websites like Glassdoor such as Estimate how many windows are in New York, What is your favorite song? Perform it for us now, and If you could be any animal on a carousel, what would you pick and why?These questions put the spotlight on the candidate, pressuring them to perform activities outside of regular job requirements for office jobs. Participants who thought that these brain teasers were appropriate and useful for choosing a candidate tended to lack perspective taking ability that these questions could be offensive or inappropriate, the study concluded. The researchers suggested that organizations should limit their use and train managers to stay on topic with job interviews.Brainteaser questions ultimately may reveal more about what is going on in the hiring managers brain more than the job candidates. One former Google human resources executive found that they had no value in hiring. On the hiring side, we found that brainteasers are a complete waste of time. How many golf balls can you fit into an airplane? How many gas stations in Manhattan? A complete waste of time. Laszlo Bock, the former senior vice president of people operations at Google, said in 2013. They dont predict anything. They serve primarily to make the interviewer feel smart.Next time, a job interviewer asks you to perform karaoke on the spot, consider if you really want to work for a manager that enjoys watching you squirm in discomfort.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Team-building with firearms and archery Its a thing.
Team-building with firearms and arczu sichy Its a thing.Team-building with firearms and archerbeiy Its a thing.When you go on a company retreat or participate in a team-building exercise, there is usually some well-justified nervousness. How will it play out?Could it be terrible to be trapped with colleagues? Could the bonding you do with co-workers be so amazing thatyou smile while thinking about it years from now? Yes, and yes.But could you also end up with work stories that you will tell afterwards, for years and years? Definitely.Bloombergs story on team-building gone awry hits that concept right on the head.Worst-case scenarios happen all the timeChristina Comben, a content manager with Day Translations Inc. in Valencia, Spaintold Bloomberg about a time her boss took the team paintballing and she nearly killed her boss accidentally.The game was stopped, the ambulance came, and people started talking about potential liver rupture and damage to his kidneys. He was OK- a preexistin g condition had flared up. After the event, he told me it wasnt my fault, but I felt horrible and left the company six weeks later, Comben told Bloomberg.Thats not the only source of embarrassment.Pete Abilla, founder and CEO of Find a Tutor Near Me in Salt Lake City, told the magazine about his healthcare companys team-building event at a Native American casino in California.Everything was going well, until one of the facilitators, a white guy with blond hair and blue eyes, came onstage dressed like a Native American. Many servers working the event were Native American and were offended. Casino management stopped the event and kicked us out, Abilla told Bloomberg.Off-sites like these, of course, always have the opportunity for conflict - some of it unintentional.Sharon Fisher, CEO of Play with a Purpose in Orlando, told Bloomberg about her companys visit to an amusement park. They took 120 people there for a scavenger hunt, and each team wore bandannas of a separate color.Thats wh en the guard stepped in because he reportedly thought one bandanna was a gang symbol.He made that team follow him to a side alley, where he could ask them questions about what they were doing. They were allowed to continue but had to take off the bandannas, Fisher told Bloomberg.Mud and gunsThe stories highlighted above are far from outliers. Team-building has become a complicated pursuit in some places, involving days with your colleagues, scattered activities and sometimes even animals. The average trust-fall session almost seems a nostalgic throwback to the past, like horses-and-buggies.For instance, some shooting ranges offer corporate team-building with firearms and archery,which increases the adrenaline considerably. Boxless Media in Chicago had a Bullets BBQ event which featured food and shooting time afterward, a founder told BizBash.Surprisingly dangerous meerbusen cart polo, in which team members lean out of golf carts and whack at balls. With tiny little golf balls whizz ing everywhere, it was a risk management nightmare, said the president of Firefly Team Events.Tough Mudder, the infamously difficult mud race in which competitors are sometimes lightly electrocuted (on purpose) also has a corporate team option.Beyond that, there are the wacky choices somecompanies hire flash mobs, so you could also be dancing along with co-workers for your next bonding exercise.TeamBondingoffers a massive amount of corporate programs- from Team Mixology to Ice Sculpting, which a team participated in at Google before- but the company is also known for its Flash Teams, where participants surprise the public with their moves.TSNY, or Trapeze School New York, even offers team building corporate workshops, according to its website.In a world where using the company gym can also get a little weird, it seems like anything is possible when your co-workers are around.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
41 Unusual Career Tips From a Recruiter
41 Unusual Career Tips From a Recruiter 41 Unusual Career Tips From a Recruiter There is no opening act. Lets just get started1. Dont Ask HowDont ask how you can help. Do yur research and figure out a way to help.When people email and ask how they can help, it creates mora work for me. Now I have to think of how they can help. I dont know them or what they are good at.Ive emailed senior people before with the saatkorn question. The web holds more information now thanit did the day before. Do your research, figure out what is valuable, and then email and deliver.2. Work for FreeYes, you must work for free. Its leid popular or scalable. I dont care. You have to be willing to do what others wont to get what others cannot. Ryan Holiday followed a similar strategy when he started working for Tucker Max, Robert Greene, and Tim Ferriss.You wont always have to give your work away, but you may need to sometimes in order to get ahead.3. Do Your ResearchBefore any career move, you need to res earch the company, product, and founders extensively. Great opportunities wont fall into your lap (unless a quality recruiter finds you).Dont take a job because you applied and they made an offer. Research the company. Learn about their industry, competitors, and unique advantages. Are they a commodity business that the bottom will soon fall out of?4. Research Includes Checking Out the Team, TooIf you are invited in for an interview, it is not a meet and greet it is a trial. Come prepared with a story and well-thought-out questions, like a lawyer would.You need to binnensee how strong the companys/departments team is. Ask qualifying questions that get the information you need to make your decision. The skill level of the team is more important than the compensation package. You can learn invaluable lessons from an experienced team of peers and leaders.5.Research Also Includes the Leadership TeamThis is critical. Businesses become extensions of their founders and executive teams.Are the leaders of this company experienced in this field? Do they know how to recruit strong team members? Have they exited before? What incubator selected them? How are their egos?unterstellung are all questions I ask before joining a company. You should know the leadership teamsbackground from college forward.6. Determine Your Ideal Company SizeSome love to work in the hectic environments of startups, wearing many hats at once, whereas others like to focus their efforts on specialized niches in larger companies. Company size determines the kind of work you do and the things you learn.7. Learn About Your ManagerYou dont always interview with your future manager. Find out who your manager is going to be. Find out if you will be interviewing with them. Do not accept a role without knowing who you will be working for and what they will be like as a manager.8. Steal From the BestLearn what everyone around you does. Listen to them in meetings. Listen to how they interact with customers on the phone. Pay attention to how managers get their employees to do work. Steal the top performers best techniques and strategies. Practice them until they become your own.9. Be a Person, Not a BrandEveryone is worried about becoming a brand. That comes later if you are lucky. Focus on being a person and connecting with other people. Say Hello and Thank you. Call people by their names. Treat people like people. Treat them how you want to be treated. Work on your skills. You are not a brand you are human.10. Follow the 40 Percent RuleIm tired. I have done enough for one day. This is a lie. You just lied to yourself.We all do it. Just adopt the 40 percent rule When you think youve reached your limit, youre only 40 percent of the way done. When you believe you are too tired to go on and have given it your all, recognize this is not true. Your mind set that limit. It is a self-imposed limit, and you can surpass it. Strive for another 40 percent. You can do it.11. Solicit FeedbackFind s omeone you can trust who will give you candid feedback. In some companies, people hide bad news or sugarcoat the truth to keep from hurting others. Most people only tell you the things you do well.I once worked with the vice president of a company on an app I was developing. At one point, he told me Your user interface looks like crap. I wrote down his exact words and thanked him for his feedback. He was the only customer who told us the truth.Find someone who will give you honest even if harsh feedback. If you want to grow, you need this valuable perspective.12. Follow UpEveryone sends emails, takes notes, and does work but no one follows up. Ive received my share of emails from recruiters and founders asking me to join their companies, but only a handful ever actually follow up. Talk to these people. Some have hired me. It can happen to you, too.13. During Interviews, Ask Open-Ended QuestionsAsk open-ended how and what questions e.g., What were you hired to do here? or How wil l you measure the success of the candidate who accepts this role?These questions are powerful because they require more than a simple yes or no. People often reveal details about their thought processes, values, and beliefs when answering open-endedquestions.14. Leave When You Have ToMost people dont learn this until late in their careers, but you must leave jobs to continue to grow and earn more.But I have a good job, and they treat me okayIt depends on what you want. If you have been at the same company in the same role for a long time, you cannot complain about feeling stagnate orthat you arent compensated fairly.15. Connect the DotsIts good to have goals and an ideal destination in mind. However, things change. That ideal destination no longer shines. You learn something that spins you off into a newcareer direction. Pay attention to these moments.You cant connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backward. Steve Jobs16. Only Work on Things That Interes t YouYou can always make more money as an investment banker but does the money really interest you? Spend time defining your interests.Focus your workon them.17. Drink Coffee Three CupsIf you dont like coffee, thats fine. You can drink other things that have caffeine.No caffeine = no energy and no creativity. Drink three cups, then get to it18. Improve Your Cold Email SkillsCold-emailing is a superpower. Cold emails give you access to people you normally cannot reach. They also open doors for jobs and business deals.19. Market YourselfYou could be the best person at your job, but does anyone know it? You must market yourself for people to find you and recognize your accomplishments. Is your LinkedIn up to date? Does it describe what you do?You dont have to be a writer. Hire someone on Fiverr to help you write your resume or LinkedIn bio.20. Move Jobs Every 18-24 MonthsWe dont live in the same worldas our parents did. Two years at a job is, for us, equivalent to 20 years at a job f or them.Think strategically about your companys competitors that may want to hire you. What company would you love to work for? Send a cold email, find out what the organization needs, and see what lines up for you.21. Spend Time With Your BossesThe problem with networking is people do it wrong and with the wrong people. I dont like the term networking because it suggestshappy hours where you pass business cards around and leave without building relationships. A week later, a sales guy contacts you about buying his product.Spend time with your customers. Better yet, spend time with your bosses and future bosses. Invite them to work out with you or to a social event that matches their interests.22. Never Eat AloneIt may be common for people to eat their lunch in front of their computers, alone. Dont do it. Invite someone to have lunch with you in the break room. Get to know the people you work with. Invite new people to join you for lunch. Be the person who gets people together. Be t he person who makes work fun.23. Stay lateOne of my managers didnt come to life until 630 p.m. My peers never got to see him in his element. They left the office at 5 p.m. Stay late. Stay at least an hour or two after fruchtwein people leave. You can accomplish many tasks in this time and build the best relationships.24. Come in EarlyGet into the office an hour or two before the standard. This gives you an edgeand it gives you undistracted time to practice your craft. The rest of the week will look effortless on your part if you come in early a few times each week.25. Find a Plus, a Minus, and an EqualIn your friendship and professional circles, work to make connections with at least one of each(+) Plus Someone a level or two above you who from whom you can learn.(-) Minus Someone a level or two junior to you whom you can help and teach.(=) Equal Someone at your level.26. Ask for $12,000 MoreNever accept a companys first job offer. Ask for $12,000 more than the initial offer. Ive se en too many candidates negotiate for $3,000 extra. That comes out to an extra $250 per month before taxes. If you are going to negotiate, make sure it is worth the effort. An additional $1,000 per month can make a big difference.27.Track Your AccomplishmentsWrite down two accomplishments you areproud of each week. At the end of each month, youll have a list of eight things you are proud of, maybe more. When its time for your performance review,make sure to call attention to these items.28. Choose YourselfJobs can choose you, but you can choose yourself at any time. Never apply to only one job. Hedge your bets by applying to a few roles or favorite companies at a time. Power comes from having options. You may find the company you wanted to work for does not want you. You can choose another role.Or you can choose yourself. You can always do your own thing. People tie too much self-worth to companies they work for or titles they hold. You are valuable beyond measure. You can always cho ose yourself.29. Negotiate the PercentageWere thrilled to offer you a 6 percent raise That might be okay if your performance is average, but if you are a star performer, thats not a fair raise.Take time to review and consider each raise offer. Then, ask for a few percentage points more. Demonstrate the value you create. Most employers do whatever they can to keep top performers.30. Break Up When You Need toIts okay to break up with your coworkers and friends if you have to. Maybe your career is going in a different direction. Are your peers a good influence on you and your family? If not, break up. Think carefully about the influences you allow into your life.31. Consider the SourceFriends, family, and coworkers will always give free career advice. Im giving you advice, and we dont even know each other. Always consider the source of the information you receive. You wouldnttake financial advice from someone who is broke, so why take career advice from someone who is career poor or wh o is unfamiliar with your role/industry?32. Show, Dont TellWhen you have an idea, create a rough draft or mockup of what the ideal might look like. Take a screenshot of a similar app or site, then annotate it to communicate your spin on it.Showing is powerful. Your boss can see your idea come to lifeand make a more informed decision. No one reads business plans. Show potential customers what you mean. Create a prototype and get it into peopleshands. Watch how they interact with it. Listen for their questions and feedback.33. Go Into HidingIf you decide to leave your job tostart a company or develop a product, its okay to hide for a little while youwork on it. Thats part of ideation. Protect your idea as if itwere a newborn child.Dont let people discourage you or keep you from working on what is important to you but dont hide in the dark for too long, either. You might end up creating something that only you want to buy.34. Ask for Dirty JobsYoure probably familiar with Mike Rowe an d his show, Dirty Jobs.He has fun, cracks jokes, and looks good doing the dirtiest jobs. If you can look good doing the worst jobs, you can do anything.Dont ask for the glamorous jobs or projects while you are coming up. Do the jobs no one wants. These jobs keep your ego in check while you develop your skills and work ethic.35. Dont Worry About What Other People ThinkIf the people closest to you dont quite see your vision or understand it, that is okay. Dont be afraid of them or of what they will say about you. Remember, they cant kill or eat you.36.Throw Everything Away and Start OverI learned this from the comedian Louis C.K. One of the things he does that makes him successful is that every year or two, he scraps his entire show. New year, new material.Dont be afraid to start over and create new material.37. Be AuthenticTo be authentic, you have to tell the truth. Be authentic at work, with your boss, at home. Always tell the truth. If you believe something is low quality, say so. Dont be a yes-man.38. Have an OpinionIf all ten people in a meeting agree and say the same thing, I should fire nine of them. I do not hire for agreement. I need people to challenge my perspective and come up with fresh ideas. I hire people who are smarter thanI am, people who are passionate and have opinions they are not afraid to share.Be different. Be opinionated. Stand out.39. Deliver ValueThere are things you have to do at work, andthere are things you do to add value. Deliver value with every keystroke. Dont focus on busywork.40. Get Eight Hours of SleepPeople brag about working 12+ hours a day and sleeping for three before doing it again. Research shows 7-8 hours is optimal. Find what works for you.41. Set Deadlines for YourselfA goal is a dream with a deadline. Napoleon HillGet the most out of your performance by setting a deadline for yourself. If you are new to ahabit or skill, set a realistic deadline for mastering it. If you are good at meeting deadlines, try setting a hard, unrealistic deadline for yourself. You may not be able to accomplish the task within the deadline, but growth occurs when you accept challenges. Or you may find a new path that allows you to accomplish more with much, much less.Clinton Buelter is the founder of ColdEmailForRecruiters.
Monday, December 16, 2019
8 Strategies to Get to Know Your Cool Boss Better - The Muse
8 Strategies to Get to Know Your Cool Boss Better - The Muse8 Strategies to Get to Know Your Cool Boss BetterBosses can always be a mixed bag. When youre starting out at a new role, your supervisor could be anywhere from the perfect mentor to a total nightmare. But (hopefully) more often than notlage, you do get to work a person you both like and admire. And when that happens, youre suddenly much more invested in strengthening the relationship. But I get it That tight line between employee and friend can be hard to walk. To help you avoid crossing that line, I rounded up eight realistic strategies for getting to know your manager a little bit better. First things first, establish your work relationship. If youre not doing well as an employee, then unrelated conversations might make you seem like you dont care about your responsibilities.Not sure how to make an impression on a big team? Self-advocate so your supervisor knows just how awesome you actually are at your job.You should als o be sure to get on your boss good side if youre not already on it. Otherwise, you could make a bad situation worse.Serious about developing a better relationship? Take initiative- sometimes you can only have the kinds of conversations you want to have by starting them yourself. Cheesy, but true All good partnerships are built off of trust. Your professional ones arent any different. You can also take office milestones, such as performance reviews, as opportunities to be honest and transparent about your interests and goals.Even better, ask questions on the job. Not only will you learn more about your work, but youll also get unique insights. And finally, keep in mind that its not all about small talk. Having a stronger relationship with your boss means its that much more important to have the hard conversations.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
World Cup soccer star Marta makes inspirational plea to next generation
World Cup soccer star Marta makes inspirational plea to next generationWorld Cup soccer star Marta makes inspirational plea to next generationOne of the FIFA Womens World Cup stars is calling on the next generation for help.Brazilian legend Marta delivered an emotional speech following Brazils 2-1 elimination loss to hosts France in the Round of 16 at the Womens World Cup, calling on her nations next generation to keep womens soccer growing.Its wanting more, Marta said in a teary-eyed post-match speech. Its training more. Its taking care of yourself more. Its being ready to play 90 plus 30 minutes. This is what I ask of the girls. Theres not going to be a Formiga forever. Theres not going to be a Marta forever. Theres not going to be a Christiane. The womens game depends on you to survive. So think about that. Value it more. Cry in the beginning so you can smile in the end.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfact ion, Neuroscience, and moreMarta, 33, has long been one of the worlds best soccer players. She made her fifth World Cup appearance in France this summer, scoring twice to become the World Cups all-time leading scorer with 17 goals, the most by any male or female player in history.After scoring the record-breaking goal, Marta used the occasion to promote equality and womens empowerment. She refused to sign a new cleat sponsorship deal when her contract expired last year, saying the offers were not similar to what male players were able to get. Marta, whos been a United Nationals goodwill ambassador since 2018, decided to wear cleats that had a pink and blue symbol to represent equality, which she pointed to after scoring the record.The gender pay gap has been the focus of the World Cup, as womens teams continue their fight for equal pay and treatment.We are trying to represent women and show how women can play any type of role, she said, via the BBC. All the teams here, we are all re presenting women. Let me be clear, this is not only in sport. This is a struggle for equality across the board.It remains unclear whether Marta will play at the next World Cup in 2023, where shell be 37. Marta, Formiga, 41, and Cristiane, 34, are the oldest players on the Brazilian national team.I am proud of our performance, the grit that we showed until the end, thats the feeling that I will keep with me. Those are the kind of matches that will help womens football to continue to grow, Marta said. We are trying to represent women and show how women can play any type of role, all the teams here, we are all representing. Let me be clear, this is not only in sport. This is a struggle for equality across the board.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Things You Wont Like About My Perfect Resume Free and Things You Will
Things You Wont Like About My Perfect Resume Free and Things You Will You know you must make stellar impression in order to acquire an interview. The response is yes in the event you wish to. Theres no immediate chat option also. Click EDIT to compose this answer. Whether you want to use this resume builder once or become a subscriber, you will secure a tafelgeschirr which is easy, straightforward and possesses all key features a decent resume builder needs from assorted templates, cover letters, customization alternatives to pre-written phrases, writing hints, spell-checking and just a work search engine. If you grow to be a paid subscriber, youre going to be eligible to test out additional, pay-only features too. Furthermora, you can add or remove a section you might or might not require. Check to be sure youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets with respect to application requirements. When you employ a professional writer to assist you wit h the application documents, the results will differ. You have to offer relevant, concise details. It permits you to introduce yourself to the most significant information first. Do include contact info. The 30-Second Trick for My Perfect Resume Free There are a number of career advisory services and websites that will be able to help you craft the perfect resume. DO make certain the remainder of your resume is completely machine readable. More frequently than not, customizing your resume does not indicate a major rewrite, but instead just a couple of tweaks. Way too many resumes are in reality wordy and difficult to follow along with. Its possible for you to search millions of jobs on the internet to find which path you need to follow in your career. The same is true for any other achievements you would like to highlight. So once you submit a resume to the employer, hell be interested. If employers dont have any way to get in touch with you, they will just opt for anothe r applicant, even when you are more qualified for the job. With only one 20-minute treatment weekly, you can achieve salon grade outcomes. Writing is one important process that most represents the on-line world. Particularly if youd like to acquire a work. Including a tiny job description under every one of your work designation is likely to make your resume even better. Additionally, like most other resume builders, My Perfect Resume makes it simple for the work hunter to cover all their bases without forgetting a valuable part of the resume. With time, after you gather an increasing number of experience, your resume will further be made better. Electronic resumes have a superb advantage over printed ones in they may be changed at any moment. If you would rather the thought of creating your own light, you dont will have to consider the inside only. So watering indoor flower gardens must be very carefully done to reduce over-watering. Then it may be time to bring some style to your resume With this much riding on your resume, it is reasonable find expert assistance. Ultimately the decision is yours. Quite often whenever you are going through different kinds of services, youll wind up finding two very similar or even completely identical products supplied by exactly the same business. The main benefit of the site is quite a few distinct resources for the job seekers they provide. The benefits of Beautiful Indoor Fairy Garden Ideas If youd love to earn a fairy garden in a container, have a while to work out which kind of container to use. While it might look tempting to embellish certain facts to be able to seem more qualified, its a really poor idea. Although it seems complicated, when you begin realizing the idea, you will discover how simple it is. The very very last thing you want to do can be receive a job which you arent do. Keep in mind that the very purpose of it is not receiving the work instantly, but securing work interview.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Weird, Wonderful Wacky Jobs
Weird, Wonderful Wacky Jobs Weird, Wonderful Wacky JobsPosted September 27, 2019, by JennyWeve bored ourselves to death in an office job just to make ends meet. Well, stagnate no longer its time to unleash your wild and wacky self on the world.Many of us see our quirky pastimes as just that something fun to do after a long, boring day in the jobs we love to hate. But what if you could turn that hobby into a career? The good news is that theres never been a better time to work at being weird and wonderful. Forget accounting and law weird, wonderful and wacky jobs in niche industries can provide all the flexible working conditions, travel opportunities and, yes, income that youve been dreaming of.They say that tens of thousands of new jobs are created each year. How many of them are off-the-wall, out-of-this-world jobs that you could be doing? Youd be surprised at the opportunities that are out there for industries you might not have even thought of or knew existed.Fortune Cookie WriterAre you creative? Have a way with words? Do you consider yourself witty and wise? We foresee you becoming a fortune cookie writer.Around 3 billion fortune cookies are made each year - thats a lot of one-liners Production companies often reply on freelancers to create the content that goes into these pint-size treats. So what does it take to become a fortune cookie writer? More than you think. Crafting a single sentence that appeals to disparate demographics across the globe is a tough task Scribbling a sentiment thats poignant enough to be tucked into wallets or shared on social media is even mora so. And risqu or topical fortunes are off-limits. After all, customers want to be surprisednot scandalizedwhen they open a cookie.On the flip side though, like any freelance gig, you have the freedom to choose your hours and your office so it aint so bad. Plus you could really make someones day next time they pick up Chinese take out.Dog Surf InstructorYoure a lover of the great can ine. Youre a fan of the surf. Why not become a doggie surf instructor? Yes, dogs on surfboards are a thing and you can make an entire career out of it.As fun as this job is, it requires a whole lotta skill in both surfing and animal training.Cuddle TherapistAre you known for giving the best hugs? Are you always the first one to comfort others? Dont mind the idea of touching strangers? Become a professional cuddler. Yes, you can get paid for your hugs.There is loads of research around the benefits of hugging and visiting a cuddle therapist can have a host of benefits, including helping others to feel calm, safe and more confident.Before your mind wanders off, let me reassure you that cuddle therapy sessions are platonic and is a form of touch therapy. Cuddle therapists can get paid anywhere from $50 - $100 an hour to spoon, hold hands and cuddle with people they barely know.Foley ArtistFoley artists create and record sound effects for film and television. Within the sound industry, t here are few jobs more hands-on and interesting than a foley artist. It combines the knowledge of film production and sound design with amazing creative zauber and opportunity to experiment.This job can send you all over the world working for blockbusters such as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, or you can hole up in your shed to break new ground and revolutionise the way we hear films. There is a lot of scope for a foley artist if you use your imagination.A large part of the job is experimenting in the studio to create the sound you need. Sound effects are rarely recorded at the same time as dialogue and action because its hard to capture dialogue and environmental sound at the same time. The foley artist first listens to the dialogue to identify the poorly recorded sounds of, for example, heavy footsteps then adoor slamming. These sounds are then recreated in the studio and recorded separately, and later edited in so its in sync with the action onscreen. Some sound effects are dra wn from recorded libraries, but many directors prefer the direct involvement of the foley artist.Foley artists work in a foley studio to re-create the sounds they need for the production. The studio is large, usually a warehouse or similar space. Within the studio, the foley team will have walking pits filled with different materials such as dirt, grass, gravel, concrete, wood, tiles or lino. Many foley artists take pride in constructing their own sound effects apparatus, frequently using simple, common materials.Check out this clip on how sound effects are made.??Pole Dancing InstructorImagine swinging around a pole using one arm and an ankle. Then, all in one smooth action you turn to face the pole, hold on above your head, press one shin at the front and secure the grip with the other leg wrapped around the back, and pull your whole body upwards.Alternating between grasping the pole with your hands and your legs, you reach the top in no time then you lean back and hang upside do wn, supporting your body only with your thighs. This is the sort of thing a pole dancing instructor does every day.Pole dancing is rapidly emerging as a fun and cheeky form of exercise for women. While a few years ago pole dancing welches associated with the stigma of strip clubs, it is now recognised by the Australian Institute of Fitness as a challenging sport that promotes upper body strength like no other. Just ask anyone after their first lesson sore muscles are to be expected when you spend an hour holding up your entire body weight with your arms.Pole dancing is now a popular way to spend hens nights or girls nights out. Job opportunities for pole dancing instructors took off when many studios opened up and even gyms started offering lessons to keep up with the demand.Food StylistEver wondered why the cheeseburgers you buy never look as shiny as the ones on the menu board? Have you tried your hand at a fancy recipe and found that your festering gloop looks nothing like the c assoulet in the cookbook? Well, theres a reason for that.The food in those photos has been styled by a group of professionals known as food stylists. Their job is to style the food so that its in tip-top shape for the photographer. This is done for two main purposes advertising, which includes everything from your fast food menu board to your cereal box and for cookbooks and magazines.The food stylist works closely with the photographer to achieve the right look. The client may have a particular idea in mind although more often than not it is up to the stylist to come up with the concept. There is a high degree of creativity involved and food stylists are responsible for everything in the shoot, including cutlery, crockery, garnishes, table decorations and sometimes even furniture.????Netflix TaggerHold onto your seats. Netflix is paying people to binge-watch NetflixOkay, so theres a bit more to it than just binging on an entire season of House of Cards in a day. The team of Netflix taggers sit and watch around 20 hours a week worth of Netflix shows, movies and specials and tag each with relevant metadata to make it easier to search and categorise. This is also what keeps Netflixs recommending shows and films they think youll like.PyrotechnicianWe all enjoy fireworks to mark celebrations and special occasions, those dazzling displays of colour that explode with gunfire cracks and whooshing noises high in the dark night sky. And, naturally, its even more fun when its your handglied on the trigger.Before 1986, there was a fireworks night every year where people used to hold their own fireworks displays, but after too many accidents this practice was banned. Now, in most states in Australia, the use of fireworks has been restricted to professionals.So how do pyrotechnicians make the magic happen? A pyrotechnician is responsible for designing fireworks displays, selecting the appropriate fireworks, transporting them, setting them up and setting them off. They must know about wind direction and safety areas and, once both are secured, they control the ignition of the fireworks for displays. More often than not the displays are set to music, so the timing is critical and each komponente of the display is carefully planned.Professional Line-StanderYoure dying to be one of the first to get your hands on the latest iPhone but the overnight queue is a major turn off. Guess what You can pay someone to wait in line for you.To become a professional line-stander all you need to a pair of comfortable shoes, a whole lotta patience and a good Spotify playlist and maybe sometimes a cosy sleeping bag. So, how did this even become a thing? When a suddenly out of work gentleman in Italy named Giovani Cafaro started promoting this service. Hes now known as il Primo Codista Italiano (the First Italian Queue Professional) and offers classes for aspiring line standers with the hope of going national.If you think you fit the brief required of a professional line- stander simply put together your ad for Gumtree and start spreading the word. 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Check out this fun fact sheet for everything you need to know about the industry, at a glance.Career progressionJob advertisement tipsDrop Everything And Read This Guide To Personal BrandingA strong personal brand is the key to personal and professional success. Heres why - along with 9 great tips to create your own unforgettable brand.
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